

Almost any sensible training program will work provided it meets two criteria.  First, you must enjoy it.  If you do not like what you are doing you will not stick with it.  Simply put, the science is compliance.  You should look forward to training, not dread it.  Being able to exercise is a blessing.  Some people view exercising through negative lenses.  Instead of thinking, “I have to go to the gym, instead think, I GET to go to the gym.”  It is a simple mind hack where you change the lenses in which you view it from negative lenses to positive lenses. 

This does not mean it will be easy.  It will be hard!  The key is to enjoy the challenge, enjoy pushing yourself, and recognize some days will be great, some will be good, some will be  average and some will be miserable.  Enjoy all those days, even the bad ones, because a bad day in the gym is still better than a good day in a hospital room. 

Next, you need to believe your program will work.  You need to have confidence that what you are doing will help you to achieve your goals.  Believing in what you are doing is just as important as enjoying it.  I have complete confidence in the Jeff Blair Training System and once it is explained to you, and you experience it, I am confident that you will too.